Check the lowest price for a certain airline
Another way to sort by lowest price is by clicking on one of the airline logos at the top of your search.
The airline logos all have the cheapest price on that airline underneath, so you can quickly scan prices and get an idea of which airline is the cheapest to fly on. By clicking on the airline logo, we'll filter your search so that you'll only see flights from that airline with the cheapest flights shown first.
Pick the right payment method
Okay, so Buy Now Pay Later might not technically make your flight cheaper. But, it definitely can make your flight more affordable and easier to pay.
If you don't have the money to pay for the full price of your flight right now, you can use one of our buy now, pay later or financing payment options and spread the cost over time. Not only does this make the flight more affordable, but it also allows you to secure your flight at today's price. Flight prices can change over time and you can't always guarantee that your flight won't go up in price if you leave it to buy at a later time.