To book a flight for someone else online, you'll need the following things:
Details of the person(s) flying
You must have the personal details of each passengers flying, ready to enter on the passenger details page. This includes their title, first and last name (as it appears on their passport) and date of birth.
You're not required to enter the details of the person paying on the passenger details page, unless they're a passenger on the flight too.
Contact information
You must provide the contact information for the person that you want the travel documents to be sent to and the person you'd like Alternative Airlines to contact should we have any questions or information regarding your flight reservation.
This can be anyone, but we recommend choosing either the person travelling or the person paying for the flight.
Your payment details
You must have the payment details of the payment method you're choosing to pay for the airline tickets with. With Alternative Airlines, you can choose to pay in over 40 different payment methods, including PayPal, Mastercard, Maestro, Visa, Apple Pay, Affirm (US) and Klarna (UK) and in more than 160 different currencies.