Countries you cannot fly to with a drone/where drones are banned
Drone usage is banned in Nicaragua unless you have a permit. You are putting yourself and your drone at risk if you take it with you to Nicaragua, and the staff at customs are well within their rights to confiscate your drone.
Private use of drones is not permitted in Morocco, and companies can only use drones in Morocco with a special permit. Travelers who are caught with a drone in Morocco will have it confiscated and will be subject to a fine. It is recommended that unless you have a special permit, you should not take a drone to Morocco.
Fiji has very strict rules with regards to drone usage. Those wishing to fly a drone in Fiji, whether privately or commercially, need to apply to the CAAF (Civil Aviation Authority of Fiji) to be able to use a drone in the country.
In order to fly a drone in Zambia, travellers need to have the following documentation: RPAS Letter of Approval (RLA) Certificate of Registration RPAS Pilot’s License (RPL) All of the above documentation can be acquired from the Zambia Civil Aviation Authority Alongside licensing, Zambia has very strict rules with regards to the altitude, distance and weight of drones.
The import of drones to Cuba is not allowed. Passengers who attempt to bring a drone into Cuba will have the drone confiscated, and will only have it returned on leaving the company if a large fine is paid.
Saudi Arabia
Drones are seen as a serious risk to public security in Saudi Arabia, so are generally prohibited from use. Some commercial users are allowed to operate with permission from the authorities, however, the application process for this is very strict.
The operation of drones is prohibited in Egypt, under the Egyptian Aviation Act (Article 46, sentence 8).
In Kenya, drone usage is banned unless permission has been obtained from the Department of Defense and the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA).
For a number of years the usage of drones was banned in India. However, recently, a law passed to repeal the ban. There are still complex rules for drone usage; for example, foreigners are not allowed to fly drones in India. If a drone is detected at the airport without prior permission from the Indian Ministry of Communications, it will be confiscated and will not be returned.