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Flights from New York to Mexico

Search and buy flights to Mexico from New York

Buy your flights from New York to Mexico with Alternative Airlines. We offer a wide range of flights departing from airports in New York to Mexico.

Looking to fly to Mexico from New York? Use the search form at the top of the page to search for flights to any city in Mexico from any city in New York! Look below to see which airports in New York fly direct to Mexico.

JFK International Airport

Which city is JFK International Airport in?

JFK International Airport is the main airport serving New York City. JFK International Airport is located in the borough of Queens.

Where in Mexico can you fly to from JFK International Airport?

You can fly to Mexico City on Aeroméxico, Delta, Interjet, JetBlue Airways, VivaAerobus and Volaris.
You can fly to Monterrey on Aereméxico Connect.
You can fly to Cancún on American Airlines, Delta, Interjet, JetBlue and Southwest.
You can fly to Guadalajara on Volaris.

Newark Liberty International Airport

Which city is Newark Liberty International Airport in?

Newark Liberty International Airport is located in New Jersey, New York City.

Where in Mexico can you fly to from Newark Liberty International Airport?

You can fly to Mexico City on United Airlines.
You can fly to Cancún on United Airlines, Vacation Express and VivaAerobus. Vacation Express and VivaAerobus both operate flights to Cacún on a seasonal basis.
You can fly to Puerto Vallarta on United Airlines.

Buffalo Niagara International Airport

Where is Buffalo Niagara International Airport?

Buffalo Niagara International Airport is located in Cheektowaga, a town in the Erie County of New York.

Where in Mexico can you fly to from Buffalo Niagara Airport?

You can fly to Cancún on Vacation Express. Vacation Express operate flights to Cancún on a seasonal basis.

Fly to Mexico from New York Indirect

If you can't make it to JFK International or Buffalo Niagara International — don't worry, you can still fly from other airports in New York indirect.

Use the search form at the top of the page to see all available direct and indirect flights from the New York airport of your choice.

Mexico City, Mexico

Flights from New York to Mexico City

You can fly to Mexico City from New York at JFK International Airport direct on airlines such as Aeromexico, Delta, JetBlue Airways, VivaAerobus and Volaris.

The average flight time from New York JFK International Airport to Mexico City is five hours and 40 minutes.

You can also fly to Mexico City from Newark Liberty International Airport on United Airlines.

The average flight time from Newark Liberty International Airport to Mexico City is five hours and 30 minutes.

Cancun, Mexico

Flights from New York to Cancun

You can fly to Cancún from JFK International Airport direct on airlines such as American AirlinesDeltaInterjet and JetBlue.

You can also fly to Cancùn from Newark Liberty International Airport direct on United Airlines, Vacation Express and VivaAerobus. Vacation Express and VivaAerobus operate flights to Cancún on a seasonal basis.

Or, you can fly to Cancún from Buffalo Niagara Airport direct on Vacation Express on a seasonal basis.

The average flight time from New York to Cancún is 4 hours and 10 minutes.

Tulum, Mexico

Flights from New York to Tulum

The best airport to fly into if you're visiting Tulum is Cancún International Airport.

As mentioned above, you can fly direct to Cancún from JFK International Airport on American AirlinesDeltaInterjet and JetBlue.

Or, you can fly direct to Cancún from Newark Liberty International Airport on United Airlines, or Vacation Express and VivaAerobus on a seasonal basis.

Alternatively, you can fly direct to Cancún from Buffalo Niagara Airport on Vacation Express on a seasonal basis.

The average flight time to Cancún from New York is 4 hours and 10 minutes.

Guadalajara, Mexico

Flights from New York to Guadalajara

You can fly direct from New York JFK International Airport to Guadalajara on Volaris.

The flight from JFK International Airport to Guadalajara takes roughly six hours.

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