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Buy flights using BillEase

Book your flights today and Pay over time

Please note: Before you select your flights and proceed with BillEase, we advise that you set up a BillEase account and obtain approval. Sign up.

How to buy flights with BillEase

Step 1 - Find the flight that's right for you

Find the flight that's right for you

With 600+ airlines to choose from, search and find the right flights for you using Alternative Airlines. Use our search form to search and then select your flight from all the available options.

How to buy flights with BillEase

Step 2 - Select Billease at Checkout

Select BillEase at Checkout

Complete the passenger details page and select 'BillEase' as your payment method at checkout.

How to buy flights with BillEase

Step 3 - Connect to Billease and flight confirmation

Connect to BillEase and confirm flight

If you've already registered for an account with BillEase, you need to then simply log into your account. If you haven't however, you can create an account with BillEase and then wait for the account to be approved. Once approved by BillEase, wait for the flight confirmation. Once confirmed, we'll send your e-ticket and booking confirmation. Enjoy your flight and pay back over time.


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Flights with BillEase

Buy flights now and pay back over time with Alternative Airlines and BillEase.

Search and buy your flights from over 600 international airlines and pay with BillEase at checkout to make use of making your payments for flights overtime or in instalments.

As a flight search and booking platform, we offer our customers an easy, quick, and convenient flight booking process along with being able to make their payment using over 40 payment methods from 160 different currencies.

BillEase gives customers the ability to get a personal loan and payback after 30 days or up to 12 months.

Pay in 4, over 6 weeks

Interest free payments

Instant approval decision

Airline logos

600+ airlines

What makes BillEase and Alternative Airlines so great?

The fact that when you pay with BillEase through Alternative Airlines, you're able to split the cost of your flights on more than 600 different airlines, including Philippines Airways, British Airways, Etihad, Emirates and lots more across the world.

BillEase gives you the choice to take a personal loan and payback after 30 days or up to 12 months. This ultimately means that you can select the plan that best matches your needs, giving you flexibility when it comes to buying your flights.

You also get your loan accepted almost instantly with BillEase!

Download tickets

E-tickets sent instantly

We'll always aim to send your e-ticket to you as soon as you've made your 1st payment with BillEase at checkout and your flight is confirmed.

On the rare occasion, there might be cases where we perform a few extra checks before sending your ticket. But, if this happens to you, don't worry. E-tickets are always sent within 24 hours of booking. What's more, we'll make sure to keep you updated with its progress by email or SMS.

Reasons to buy flights with Fly Now Pay Later (payment method)

Why buy flights with BillEase?

BillEase is a payment provider that gives you the choice to take out a personal loan and payback after 30 days or up to 12 months. This ultimately means that you can select the plan that best matches your needs, giving you flexibility when it comes to buying your flights.

Alternative Airlines has partnered with BillEase to offer you a way to split the cost of your airfare in easy-to-manage instalments, paid over a period of time.

By splitting your flight into 4 instalments, taken automatically every 2 weeks, BillEase makes it easier to budget and pay off your flights over time. When the purchase is confirmed, all you need to do is pay the first 25% and pay the remaining cost every 2 weeks. You're able to secure your flight today for only 25% of the cost that you see when selecting it.

Unlike some other buy now pay later providers, BillEase is interest-free and there are absolutely no additional fees if you pay on time. With BillEase, you also get your loan accepted almost instantly.

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Rated Excellent on Trustpilot

We’re super proud of our Trustpilot rating, but don’t just take it from us. See why millions of others love booking their flights through Alternative Airlines


What is BillEase?

BillEase is a buy now, pay later app that allows you to pay for your purchases in easy bi-weekly or monthly installments either interest-free or interest-bearing even without a debit or credit card!

Can I use BillEase if I'm not based in the Philippines?

Yes, as long as you are over the age of 18 and have proof of income and billing and a valid Philippine ID.

Can I use BillEase to buy flights at Alternative Airlines?

Yes, you can purchase flights with Alternative Airlines using BillEase as your preferred payment method. Once your flights have been selected and your passenger details have been entered, simply select BillEase as your preferred payment method at checkout.

Are there any hidden fees or is interest charged using BillEase?

BillEase doesn't have any hidden fees but does charge a very small interest rate of 3.49% for monthly installment terms.

What happens if I missed my payment?

With proper notification, BillEase gives two (2) calendar days of consideration for delayed payments. This will be stated on the terms and conditions currently at ₱50 PHP per day. However, if you paid on time, there won't be any added costs.

Check out the terms and conditions for BillEase here.

When will I know that my application has been approved?

An email will be sent to you as soon as you've been approved, or alternatively, you'll receive an email if you haven't been approved.

What is the BillEase Limit Boost feature?

BillEase offers a Limit Boost feature that allows users to shop for purchases above their account's credit limit. If you have an approved BillEase account, the Limit Boost feature will automatically apply at the checkout if all criteria have been met. This criteria includes:

  • Ensuring checkout is completed through official BillEase merchants
  • It's required for you to have an available credit limit with no unsettled loans
  • Your account can not be micro approved - this is a conditional credit approval of PHP500 or less.
How can I apply for a BillEase installment plan?

It's super easy! Start by downloading the BillEase app from the Apple App Store or Google Play and set up your account. Once your account has been approved, you'll receive an initial credit limit and you can start looking for your next flight with Alternative Airlines.