Use our calendar to find the cheapest flight
If you know that you want to fly at some point in May but don't mind exactly when, our calendar is really useful for finding cheap flights.
The calendar is colour-coded, with the cheapest days in green, the most expensive days in red and everything mid-ranged in yellow.
Sort by 'lowest price'
Once you've decided where and when you want to fly, the easiest way to find the cheapest flights for your search is to use the 'Sort by' drop-down and order the results at the lowest price.
This puts the very cheapest flight at the top of your search, with each flight gradually increasing in price as you scroll down — simple!
Check the lowest price for a certain airline
If you have a favourite airline, you can quickly and easily search for the cheapest flights for that airline by clicking on one of the airline logos on the banner at the top of the flight search results. This is also a great way to quickly see which airline offers the cheapest flights.
Pick the right payment method
While Buy Now Pay Later or financing your flight doesn't actually make the total cost that you pay any cheaper, it can make the flight easier to pay off, plus it can actually save you money by allowing you to lock in today's prices.
If you like the price of a flight today but don't have enough money to pay it off until later on, Buy Now Pay Later allows you to secure your flight and pay it back on a flexible plan that is suited to you!