Use our calendar to find the cheapest flight
When you search for flights, you can use our calendar heat map to see the cheapest days to fly. If you can be flexible with your dates of travel, this is one of the best ways to save. Departing a day or two before or after your entered dates might really reduce the cost of your flights. The calendar is colour-coded, with the cheapest days in green and the more expensive days in red.
Find the cheapest flight
After you hit 'search', apply one of our filters to view the cheapest fares first. This will display the cheapest flight options at the top of the results, with each flight gradually increasing in price as you scroll down the page. If you don't mind which airline you fly with, this is also one of the best ways to save!
Pick the right payment method
Okay, so Buy Now Pay Later and financing might not reduce the cost of your flights, however, these payment options do enable you to spread the cost over time, which can make booking flights much more affordable in the long term. If you like the price of a flight today but don't have funds available, you can still book and pay back the cost of the flights over a fixed number of weekly or monthly instalments. What's more, any of our payment plan options are interest-free!