Use our calendar to find the cheapest flight
The best place to start when you're looking for cheap flights in April with Alternative Airlines is our handy Best Fare Finder calendar. Our flight search calendar highlights all the cheapest flights in green and all the most expensive flights in red. It's really easy to use and useful as it eliminates the most expensive times to fly before you've even run a search.
To use the calendar, just click to select a date as you normally would on our flight search form. The calendar will automatically load with dates colour-coded.
Sort by 'lowest price'
Once you've run a flight search on our site, we will list all available flights for your chosen dates and destinations. By default, we sort these results by 'Recommended', however, if you care more about finding the cheapest flight than you do the shortest journey time, you can change the results to sort them by 'Lowest Price'. This will bring all the cheapest results for your chosen dates in April to the top of the results so that you don't have to search through hundreds of flights yourself.