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Search And Buy Ryanair Last Minute Flights

Can I book last minute flights?

What are Last Minute Flights?

Last minute flights are flights purchased close to a departure date and time of the flight. These types of flights are usually bought in the days or weeks leading up to the departure date, but sometimes can be bought on the day of or the day before the flight. Passengers who book last minute flights normally do so if there is an emergency or if they have flexible travel plans. Last minute flights can sometimes be cheaper than buying flights months before departure - this is due to airlines often needing to fill up empty seats on the plane.

At Alternative Airlines, the majority of our e-tickets are sent to you instantly or within 2 hours via email. Please note, when booking last minute flights, in some cases it might take up to 24 hours to receive your e-ticket.

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How to Book Last Minute Flights with Ryanair

Search for flights

Navigating to the search form at the top of the page, you can choose to carry out a return, one-way or multi-city search. Enter your departure and arrival destinations along with the dates you wish to travel, which cabin class you intend on flying, as well as how many passengers. Once ready, click 'Search Flights'.

Select your preferred airline

We'll display all available last minute flights for the dates and destinations you've selected. To fly with your preferred airline, such as Ryanair, you can use the airline filter above the search results.

Pay your way

After you've found the last minute Ryanair flight that's right for you, 'Confirm Selection' and proceed to booking.


Popular Last Minute Flight Routes with Ryanair

Popular last minute flights with Ryanair are between European cities. For example, travellers that want to book last minute holidays within Europe might look at booking flights from London to Spain or Ireland to France.

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London ✈ to Dublin

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Paris ✈ to Madrid

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London ✈ to Barcelona

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Dublin ✈ to Ibiza

Last Minute Flights Tips

There are some tips and tricks to finding the cheapest last minute flight deals with any airline. You'll want to consider which destinations you'd like to fly to, what dates you can fly and the time of your flight. Follow our tips below to find the best flight for you.

Flexible Destinations

If you want to urgently travel abroad but don't know where to fly to, it's a good idea to be as flexible as possible with destinations. Be open-minded about where you plan to travel - if you're looking to spend time on the beach, why not hop on a plane to Malaga or Split, or if you want to do some sight-seeing in a European city, take a look at exploring Athens or Edinburgh. One benefit to booking last minute flights within Europe is you are more open to spontaneous adventures.

Flexible Dates

Got some space in your diary? Why not book a last minute flight today and be packing your suitcases for your departure tomorrow! As well as being flexible about destinations, it's great to be flexible with dates too where you'll have a greater chance of seeing the best deals.

Night Flights

Another trick to booking last minute flights is to search for flights that depart during the night - these are the less desirable flights and will most likely be cheaper than flights departing in the morning or afternoon.

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Last Minute Flights with Ryanair FAQs

Where can I book Ryanair last minute flights?

You can book last minute Ryanair flights with Alternative Airlines. Our step-by-step guide from earlier on shows you how to search for flights for the next day or week and with your preferred airline. Please note that when booking a last minute flight through Alternative Airlines, it may take up to 24 hours to receive your e-ticket.

Can I finance last minute Ryanair flights?

Of course! If you'd like to book your Ryanair flights today, fly tomorrow and pay in instalments later, you can do so with Alternative Airlines. We offer 40+ payment methods at checkout, including finance options such as PayPal Credit, Klarna and Clearpay. We also have other ways to pay such as debit, credit, virtual wallets and even cryptocurrency! Check out our Fly Now Pay Later with Ryanair guide to find out more.

Why are last minute flights so expensive?

Some last minute flights are more expensive than other flights due to airlines sometimes raising the prices of their last minute tickets as they know passengers are more willing to spend more if they urgently need last minute travel. Last minute flights are also often purchased by business travellers who typically spend more on airfares than those flying for leisure. However, some last minute flights can be quite cheap, especially if an airline desperately wants to fill up empty seats on the plane.