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Book Flights in New Zealand Dollar

Buy Flights in New Zealand Dollar With Alternative Airlines

Buy your flights in New Zealand Dollars (NZD) with Alternative Airlines today! At Alternative Airlines, you can search and complete the entire flight booking process in New Zealand Dollar now.

Alternative Airlines search form

How to book flights in New Zealand Dollar

Search for flights

Use our search form at the top of the page to enter your travel details including your departure/arrival airports, the days you plan to fly and the number of passengers flying. Hit the 'Search Flights' button to proceed.

Select the currency converter

If your default currency isn't set to the New Zealand Dollar (NZD), you can use our currency converter at the top of the flight search form to search for the New Zealand Dollar.

Search for New Zealand Dollar

You can search for any currency with our currency converter tool. To book your flights in the New Zealand Dollar, search for 'New Zealand Dollar' in the search field and select NZD.

Confirm your booking

The search results will now show all available flights with the cost of the ticket in New Zealand Dollar. You can also change the currency you're searching in with the 'Currency' filter above the search results. Click 'Confirm Selection' and follow the instructions on the next page to secure your booking.

Road heading towards a mountainous area in New Zealand

About New Zealand Dollar (NZD)

The New Zealand Dollar is the official currency of New Zealand. The currency also circulates in the Tokelau, Pitcairn Islands, Niue, and Cook Islands. The New Zealand Dollar is informally called the kiwi, as kiwi are usually connected with New Zealand, and the $1 coin has a kiwi on it. The NZD's one-dollar coin, graced by an image of this iconic bird, not only pays homage to New Zealand's unique natural heritage but also reflects the nation's economic vitality.

Split the cost of your flights with zip

Book Flights in New Zealand Dollar and Pay Later


With Zip, you can conveniently split the cost of your flights into four equal payments. The initial payment is due at the time of booking, followed by three equal payments, each occurring at two-week intervals.


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Buy Flights in New Zealand Dollar FAQs

Can I buy flights using New Zealand Dollars?

When it comes to booking your flights, Alternative Airlines offers you the convenience of purchasing your airfares in New Zealand Dollars (NZD). Our user-friendly platform ensures a seamless and efficient booking experience, allowing you to not only search but also complete the entire flight booking process, all while seeing prices displayed in New Zealand Dollars.